WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a protocol based on HTTP
that allows users to add, edit, delete documents and many more operation on a from their workstations.
WebDAV is defined in RFC4918
Versioning Extensions to WebDAV that defined in rfc3253
WebDAV SEARCH Extensions in rfc5323
(WebDAV) Access Control Protocol - RFC3744
In addition to Http protocol methods OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH AND DELETE the minimum WebDAV implmentation requires the following verbs:
COPY: Copies a resource (generally file or directory) from one location to another
LOCK: Lockes a file or folder.
MKCOL: Creates directory like containers or collections
MOVE: Moves a file or a folder from one location to another on the server. It also renames the items.
PROPFIND: Returns the properties of the files or directories or the list of the items in a directory.
PROPPATCH: Updates or changes or delete the properties of a file or directory
UNLOCK: Removes the existing Lock from a file or directory
SEARCH: Searches files or directories and returns the list of the found items from the server.
CHECKOUT: it locks the document, but reserve for content change.
UNCHECKOUT: it relases the locks and reserved copy without any change.
CHECIN: releases the lock on the document and creates a version.
REPORT: Returns a specified report for the item, for example Version history or ACL
ACL: Returns Access control lists (security) for the folders and documents.